Monday, February 27, 2012

3rd Annual Witmer Family Reunion

The third Annual Reunion was held at the home of Harry P. Lindecamp on August 30, 1922.
            About eighty enjoyed the fine picnic dinner.
            After dinner the business meeting was conducted by the Vice Pres. Harry Lindecamp.  Minutes were read and approved.  The bills were next presented.  Post Cards $1.13, plates 55 cents total $1.68.  It was moved and seconded that the bills be allowed.  A very interesting letter from aunt Clara was read.
            Next came the election of officers Pres. Harry Lindecamp, Vice President Ralph Witmer, Sect. Lena A. Boyd, Treas. Ira Witmer.
            It was decided to have next reunion on the Last Saturday in Aug. and at the kind invitation of Dan Fry we accepted to meet with them. 
            There were no deaths in the last year, three marriages, three births.  A girl to Leo Witmer, a boy to Eugene Beymer and a girl to Geo Streits.

Pres. Harry P. Lindecamp
Sect. Lena Switzer Boyd

Saturday, February 25, 2012

2nd Annual Witmer Family Reunion

The Second Annual Reunion of the Witmer families was held Sept. 5, 1921 at the home of Ralph and Viola Witmer.
            There were about ninety present and all enjoyed the scrumptious dinner.  After dinner the men enjoyed a very exciting ballgame.
            The Pres. Then called order and the regular order of business was attended to.  Audrey Huleb acting as Secretary minutes were read and approved.  The treasure then gave a report of $4.92 in the treasury.  The bills were then presented, post-cards $1.55, knives and forks, tin cups and napkins $7.65, the bills were all accepted.
            A telegram was read from M.C. Witmer.
            Next came the election of officers.  All the officers being re-elected.
            Reve. Jachman then gave a fine talk.  There was no history given.  We decided to accept the kind invitation of Harry Lindecamp to hold next reunion at their home.  On the last Wednesday of Aug.
            A vote of thanks was given to Ralph and Viola for their fine hospitality.  The rest of the program was in chare of Leo Witmer, Mabel Witmer, Alta Witmer, Catherina Kilheifner.  A motion by Ralph Witmer and second by Leo to go back to the ballgame.  We then adjourned.
There were three births during the year.  A son to Mr. and Mrs. E.C. Witmer, a son to Mr. and Mrs. Geo Streits in Calfi, and a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Paul Witmer and only one death during the year; the little son of Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Switzer of Mansfield.

Pres A.M. Witmer
Sect. Lena A. Switzer

Friday, February 24, 2012

1st Annual Witmer Family Reunion

Witmer Family Reunion Notes
Transcribed by: Stacy Crawford

Ashland, Ohio Sept. 1, 1919
            At the kind invitation of Henry and Lilly Kilheifner the Witmer families were invited to spend the day with them on the Plank Farm four miles east of Ashland.
            Nearly all the families were present.  All came with well-filled baskets and tables were placed in the front yard.
            We certainly all enjoyed a fine time.
            After dinner a meeting was called to order.  Amos Witmer was acted Pres. And Laura a Switzer Sect.  It was then decided to have an annual (indiscernible word) known as the Witmer Family Reunion.
            The following officers were elected.  Pres. Amos M. Witmer.  Vice Pres.  Harry P Lincecamp.  Sec. Laura A. Switzer.  Treas. Ira Witmer.  Historian Lilly Kilheifner.  Chairmen of Entertainment Leo Witmer.  Katherine Witmer and Clara Hout as helper.  Audrey Hulik and Mae Mumaw were appointed to buy knives and forks, plates, napkins and tincups.
            During the year we have had four births.  The first was twin boys to Melvin and Gertrude Switzer.  Baby to Ester and Tully [McQuate].  Baby to Ed Witmer and Audrey Rose to Geo Streits.  Then we had four deaths.  Homer Edward Switzer.  Infant of Ester McQuate, Beatrice Witmer and Arthur Beymer.
There being no further business we adjourned to meet with Jean Witmer Aug. 28, 1920 on
Edgehill Ave.

Pres. Amos M Witmer
Sect. Lena A Switzer

Monday, February 20, 2012

Let's Get This Started

I am a descendant from the David and Catherine Witmer line.  I was given the treasure of the family reunion notes and pictures and want to share them will all who are looking for information.

I can't claim to be an expert, but I do like the hobby of genealogy.