The third Annual Reunion was held at the home of Harry P. Lindecamp on August 30, 1922.
About eighty enjoyed the fine picnic dinner.
After dinner the business meeting was conducted by the Vice Pres. Harry Lindecamp. Minutes were read and approved. The bills were next presented. Post Cards $1.13, plates 55 cents total $1.68. It was moved and seconded that the bills be allowed. A very interesting letter from aunt Clara was read.
Next came the election of officers Pres. Harry Lindecamp, Vice President Ralph Witmer, Sect. Lena A. Boyd, Treas. Ira Witmer.
It was decided to have next reunion on the Last Saturday in Aug. and at the kind invitation of Dan Fry we accepted to meet with them.
There were no deaths in the last year, three marriages, three births. A girl to Leo Witmer, a boy to Eugene Beymer and a girl to Geo Streits.
Pres. Harry P. Lindecamp
Sect. Lena Switzer Boyd