Monday, March 12, 2012

4th Annual Witmer Family Reunion 1923

The Fourth Annual Reunion of the Witmer families met on the last Sat. in Aug. [1923] with Dan Fry and family south of Savannah.
            About ninety enjoyed the fine picnic dinner which was served in the barn floor.
            After dinner the Pres. Called us to order and we conducted our business meeting.  The minutes were read and approved.  The bills were presented and accepted.
            At the invitation of Aunt Em we decided to meet with her on the last Sat. in Aug.  Letters were read from Uncle Martin and Aunt Clara.
            There were no history given.  The election of officers resulted in all the old officer being reelected: President Harry Lindecamp, V. Pres. Ralph Witmer, Sect. Lena Boyd, Treasurer Ira Witmer.  This ended the business part of the program.  After which an interesting program was given.
            During the year we had two deaths: Catherina Almina Witmer and Uncle Amos M. Witmer.  Births: a girl to Ralph Witmer, a son to Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Lindecamp, girl to Ira Witmer, a boy to Geo. Steigerwalt, girl to Wm. Weber.  One wedding: Marie Witmer.
Pres. Harry Lindecamp
Sect. Lena A. Boyd

1 comment:

  1. How neat that you are keeping a family record! I have an aunt who research ours back to the 1600's and I consider it a treasure.
    Thankyou for your comment on my post. No, I don't have any undeveloped film. I love all our old pictures. Family is the heart of who we are.

    Ps. It's neat to see you are from Ashland!
