Wednesday, June 20, 2012

5th Annual Witmer Family Reunion 1924

The fifth annual reunion of the Witmer families was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Lindecamp on July, 5 1924.  A fine picnic dinner was served at the noon hour, in the orchard.  After dinner the pres. Called us to order for the business meeting.  This opened the singing “America.”  Minutes of the previous reunion were read and accepted.
            Chas Lindecamp invited us to Hayesville for the next reunion to be held the last Sat. in Aug. 
            Bills were presented and a motion carried to pay these bills.
            Election of officers was then held with the following result: Pres. Ralph Witmer, V. Pres. Fred Streit, Sec. Audrey Hulit, Tres. Ed Witmer.  We then enjoyed a fine program as follows: Rec. Hilda Streit, Alta Witmer, Joe Lindecamp, Paul Witmer, Mary McQuate.  Talk Geo. Streit.  Song Treba and Frances Witmer.  Rec. Thelma Marshall, Dorothy McQuate, John McQuate, Eilene Witmer, Edd Witmer.
            During the year there was one death James Stewart.  Seven births: a girl to Mr. and Mrs Geo. Steigerwalt, a girl to Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Streit, a boy to Mr. and Mrs. Fred Streit, a girl to Mr. and Mrs. Leo Witmer, a girl to Mr. and Mrs. Russell Hinkle, a girl to Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Hulit. Marriages: Frances Marshall and Lois Mumaw.

Pres. Ralph Witmer
Sec. Audrey Hulit

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