Wednesday, June 20, 2012

7th Annual Witmer Family Reunion 1926

Ashland, Ohio
Aug. 27, 1926

The seventh annual reunion of the David M. & Catherine Witmer families was held at the home of Mr. & Mrs. H. J. Kilhefner.  It was a delightful day and a lovely picnic dinner was enjoyed at the noon hour.

After dinner the president had charge of the business meeting.  The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved.  Next was election of officers which resulted in the same ones keeping offices for another year.  Bills amounting $9.25 were presented at this time.  A motion to carried to pay these bills.

Treasures report was read and accepted.

Fred Streit invited us to his house for the next reunion.  A better of greeting from Aunt Clara Diefendorf was read by the Sec.

A splendid history of the Witmer families was read by Chas. Lindecamp.

Next was a fine program arranged by Alta Witmer, Reading Catherine Kilhefner and Freda Streit, telephone monology Edd Witmer reading Dorthohy Mumaw reading Marjorie Streit.  Playlet one proposal.  Talks were given by Rev. DeLanter of the Dickey Church and Rev. Prather of the  3rd St. Brethern Church.  A vote of thanks were given Kilhefner's for their hospitality

Ralph Witmer Pres.
Audrey Hulit Sec.

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