Thursday, June 21, 2012

9th Annual Witmer Family Reunion 1927

The ninth annual reunion of the David M. & Catherine Witmer families was held at the home of E. C. Witmer on August 25, 1928.

The business meeting was in charge of the president.  The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved.  Bills presented amounted to $5.91 with the collection amounting to $6.35.  The election of officers resulted with all the old officers being reelected.  Pres. Clarence Lindecamp, V. Pres. Harry Lindecamp, Sec. Fannie Stone, Tres. Dan Frye.  The president then appoint Ed Witmer and Chas. Lindecamp on program committee for coming year.  A letter from Aunt Clara Diffeindorf was then read and much enjoyed.

This ended the buisness part of the meeting.  After the following program was given:
Song: America
Reading: Mrs. Kenneth Witmer
Song: Eleinor Witmer
Violin music: Joe Lindecamp
Jokes: Ed Witmer

At the kind inviation of Tom Hoag it was decided to hold the next reunion there.

Clarence Lindecamp Pres.
Fannie Stone Sec.

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