Thursday, June 21, 2012

8th Annual Witmer Family Reunion 1927

The eighth annual reunion of the David M. & Catherine Witmer families was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Streit on August 27, 1927.

The business meeting was in charge of the president.  The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved.  Next was the election of officers which resulted as follows: Clarenence Lindecamp, pres., Fannie Witmer, sec., Dan Frye, treasurer, and Harry Lindecamp vice pres., Charles Lindecamp, historian.

The bills presented amounted to $2.50 with the collection amounting to $5.00.  Ed Witmer invited us to his home for the next reunion.

A letter from Aunt Clara Diefeudorf was read and greetings were sent from Uncle Elmer.  A very interesting report was then read by the historian.

After this came a short program consisting of readings by Hulda Streit, Catherine Kilhefner, Chloe Witmer and Dorothy McQuate.  Coronet music by Joe Lindecamp, jokes by Ed Witmer and a short dialogue.  A vote of thanks was then given to Mr. and Mrs. Streit for their hospitality.

Clarence Lindecamp, pres.
Fannie Witmer, sec.

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